Stop Missing Calls. Start Making Money.

Trade professionals lose $25,000+ annually in missed calls. We fix that.

Trusted by Leading Trade Professionals

Why Choose TradesCall?

While you're under sinks, up on roofs, or elbow-deep in an electrical panel, we're making sure you never miss another job. Our virtual receptionist handles your calls like a pro, books your appointments, and sends you the details - all for less than the cost of one missed job per month.

Make Money While You Work (And Sleep!)

Run On Autopilot

Grow Without The Headaches

How We Help You
Make Money

TradesCall works for any size trade business - from solo operators to large teams. Each service package is built specifically for trades businesses, and you can turn features on or off as you need them.

No tech knowledge required - just simple, practical tools that make you money.

Call Handling

Your 24/7 virtual receptionist answers every call professionally, and gathers job details while you focus on the work.

Smart Scheduling

We'll secure your next job, while you're on the job. By impressing your next client, we'll close the deal and schedule an appointment that suits your schedule.

Business Growth

We provide detailed weekly reporting on your calls to help you build a stronger, more profitable business.

Up & Running in Minutes

What our customers say

"I was skeptical at first - thought I had my calls handled. Tried TradesCall for a week and realized I was missing tons of emergency calls after hours. Now my nights-and-weekends revenue is up."


"I was missing calls left and right when on jobs. Figured it was just part of being a one-man shop. First month with TradesCall, found out I was leaving about $1,500 on the table each week. Not anymore."


"Tried answering services before - total headache. These guys actually know how to talk to customers and get the right info. No more driving across town for jobs that should've been quick quotes."


Try Before You Buy

Enter your email and we'll send you everything you need to see TradesCall in action. You'll get instant access to a demo line customized for your industry, sample job details, and a calculator to see how much revenue you're missing out on.

Take it for a spin without any commitment - no credit card needed.